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Mazda Mom's MINI

Aye aye, I hear ya. Not like Jay hasn't given me enough crap about that car, not to mention the fact that I've shed many a-tear over the crappy thing, I don't need to be reminded by yet another person. :p

The BIG positive (no car payments) far outweigh any negatives at this point, so I'm not really in any big hurry to get rid of it. If it runs fine through college, that's all I ask from it. Maybe I'll get myself a new car as a college graduation present.


That's a good plan. The one thing about focuses... as much as they suck, they're sorta reliable. No sense in assuming a car payment.


Yeah, once we got past the intial flurry of things breaking, it's been pretty solid so far.

I need to figure out what's causing the CEL though....


you can borrow my nifty scan gauge to figure it out!

no car payment FTMFW! car payment is teh suxor.


it does make noises but i hear similar not quite as loud noises in this focus Nanami. I should be getting a call this afternoon hopefully telling me the MINI will be ready to be picked up tomorrow. I am hoping and praying!
dmention7 said:
Yeah, once we got past the initial flurry of things breaking, it's been pretty solid so far.
I pretty much have new everything...and everything happened while I was still covered under warranty, so I made good use of it. Serves them right for giving me a crappy car!

dmention7 said:
I need to figure out what's causing the CEL though....
That CEL's been on forever and aside from the weird noise it makes when I brake, everything runs fine. The first time I got it checked they told me that there wasn't really anything wrong with it...three days later it came on again and I haven't done anything about it since.


I know, but I'd still like to know so that I can figure it out. Even if the car runs fine it might be sucking down more gas than it has to be, for example


I'm good at brakes. Maybe if you and Nanami feel like bringing both cars, I can take a gander and see what I see.