• We have updated to the newest version of the forum. Please let us know if you see any issues. And, yes, we know the shoutbox is gone. We'll see about getting it back if they make a newer version.
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  • Quick Question: Can you switch the moderator from Jesse over to me on the morries section please??

    You ready for this Sunday?!?!
    Hey Tom!

    quick question.

    Can I get some more stickers?? :)

    some for the co-worker, and some for the wifey ;)

    See you next sunday!
    Hey Tom (sorry, saw your name mentioned in a forum post and figured it'd be easier than MNDSM),

    As a new member, I was curious if I could help represent the forum and purchase one of the MNMazda.com decals for my MS3. Any info on if you have a red one in stock and/or availability for pick-up/mailing would be much appreciated!

    Trevor (Redline)
    lemme know if you want to talk about that sponsorship
    So what was it that you wanted to talk about?

    email me any time you need help with anything. Corey is also offering up his graphic design abilities as well if you need anything done on that front (he's really good.... but I'm kinda biased to hehe)
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